5 Reasons to Take Up Blogging
Pham The Quyet
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Thursday, October 20, 2011
Blogger , Blogging Tips , How To , White Hat Seo
Blogging took the digital world by storm a decade ago and remains the most popular form of website. While many people use blogging as a tool for self-expression, there are many valid reasons to start a blog. The most common ones are listed below.
Sharing Life Experience
This is the reason most people decide to blog. It is an easy and anonymous way to talk to the world about day to day life, share photos, engage in conversation and keep up with friends. While social media has taken over this niche to some extent, people still use blogging as a personal communication tool. Individuals dealing with illness can find support and friendship through blogging, as well.
Sharing Expertise
Anyone working in the tech or web design fields will find blogging is a great way to connect with peers and other interested people. It makes posting code and discussing security issues fast and easy and offers a platform on which to display work and grow a community.
Promoting a Business
Most big businesses run company blogs to facilitate communication between employees, make announcements or receive feedback from customers. Using blogging in this way can be a great way to help a small business get off the ground and touch base with its targeted market.
Art and Design Portfolio
Up and coming designers, photographers, musicians and artists are well served by displaying their work on a blog that is set up as a portfolio. Virtual galleries and music clips help to generate buzz and receive honest critiques, as well as make sales. Having a portfolio may also pave the way to live shows and meeting the right people.
Writing a Book
Self-publishing is the name of the game these days, with many authors taking the blogging route to get there. A writing blog can showcase finished work, as well as projects in progress. Some writers post serialized stories to their sites, where the audience must wait a week between updates. This can help to grow interest and also give the author a small income through sales and donations.
Blogs are an easy way to set up a web presence and can act as a sharing or promotional tool. There are also many choices in platform, whether free or paid. Most people start out on a free offering while they gauge the audience and as they become more successful, move to a paid or self-hosted solution. Blogging is definitely still in and will be for many years to come